My Long COVID Story

[update January 20th] I am actively updating this page with detailed documentation of my personal journey through COVID-19 infection and the grueling aftermath, known as Long COVID.

This is a live document, crafted with transparency to shed light on the everyday realities of living with Long COVID. Refresh the page periodically to see new insights, research links, personal anecdotes, and more as I catalogue my experience.

Long COVID is a REAL, complex, persisting condition with a spectrum of symptoms that can severely alter one's quality of life. By sharing my story, I hope to contribute to the wider understanding of the condition's impact on individuals and society.

While I open up about the struggles with my health, it is important to acknowledge that the severity of Long COVID varies widely. Many face challenges far beyond what I am enduring—dealing with more profound symptoms and disruptions to their lives.

This documentation isn't just a personal diary, but a call to action. I want to amplify the need for comprehensive care strategies, recognize the resilience of those affected, and push for more research into Long COVID and all other post-viral conditions.

As I share my Long COVID experience, remember that for some, the fight is much, much, MUCH tougher.

December 2021 - COVID Infection

On December 11th, 2021, I received a positive COVID-19 test result via an at-home testing kit. I was a healthy 28 year old with no pre-existing conditions. I was even vaccinated against COVID-19, about 6 weeks prior to contracting the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

I had a mild/moderate infection. It FELT like a bad "flu" (COVID is NOT the FLU!). I was not hospitalized, but I did go TO the hospital because I had a high fever that wouldn't break. I was seen in the ER and sent home after receiving fever reducing medications, and an antibody infusion.

This moment marked the beginning of an unexpected journey that I am chronicling here. The intent is to share a transparent account, from the moment of my diagnosis to my current state, taking you through the daily developments, my emotional state, the physical challenges faced, and the lessons learned along the way. I hope that my experience will provide insight, comfort, or information that might help others who are navigating through similar circumstances. Living through this experience has transformed my perspective on health, community, and resilience.

January 2022 - 1 month post-COVID

February 2022 - 2 months post-COVID

March 2022 - 3 months post-COVID

May 2022 - 5 months post-COVID

October 2022 - 10 months post-COVID

January 2023 - 1 year, 1 month post-COVID

Hearing issues continue past one year of contracting the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


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